Einstein’s correspondence with the Grand Ayatollah Boroujerdi Jerusalem trip

Albert Einstein in his final essay topic: D Arklrvng “, the statement,” which in 1954 (n = 1333), it is written in German in America Prefers Islam over all religions of the world and consider it complete and Mqvltryn religion. In this paper, the fact that Einstein’s secret correspondence with Grand Ayatollah Boroujerdi (1340 ft M n = 1961), which is chosen by the translators of the King of Persia and has been closed.

Einstein in the paper “Theory of Relativity” with verses from the Holy Quran and the Hadith of Nahjolbalaghe tempered doors and all over Bharalanvar Allama Majlisi (from Arabic to English and … by Hamid-Reza Pahlavi (SB 1371 feet) and translation under Ayatollah Boroujerdi has been adapted and written descriptions that are nowhere to be found in any religion a brain full of traditions and sayings of the leaders of the theory is only the Shia complex “Relativity” Nfhmydhand vast majority of scientists provided it. including traditionary Allama Majlisi about physical ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has narrated that the Holy Prophet takeoff leg skirt or fresh water to the container and the container is inverted., but after that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) ascension of the physical will see that after all this time still pouring water on the ground it is within the tradition of Einstein’s scientific statements treasured Shiite leaders in the field of “time dilation and relativity,” as detailed physical description of the writes. , …

Also Einstein in the paper “Jmsany Resurrection” is the way of physical evidence (in addition to Newton’s third law of action and reaction =.) He mathematical formula “resurrection” to photograph famous formula “relativity, matter and energy” as: E = M . C2 >> M = E: C2 is converted into energy that our bodies back, even if just “a matter of life will become.

Ayatollah Boroujerdi’s book Einstein consistently and repeatedly with respect to the term “big Boroujerdi,” remembers the late Prof. account over the term “very dear” …

The purchase price of $ 000/000/3 paper by Professor Ibrahim Mahdavi (resident in London) with the help of some members of the company Mercedes and Ford. Antique Einstein was a Jew, and handwriting recognition on all pages of this book by the Czech computer and confirmed that he has written this book to your. This valuable book is now being translated from German into English – by doctor Jesus Mahdavi (brother doctor Ibrahim Mahdavi) and coupled with research and provide sources mentioned in the text (by me) and most of the text is translated and technical research . The original version of this paper, the security of London Series Safe – deposit of Professor Ibrahim Mahdavi – kept buried. For more details and the registration number is chosen at the beginning of this book will provide readers informed.

Gzdhay Einstein’s last paper: (DIE ERKLA “RUNG Persian month Dey Arklrvng = STATEMENT): The doctor Jesus Mahdavi, R & Foreword, and Notes: Alexander Jahangiri


In early 1382, SSI (= 2003 AD), Prof. Ibrahim Mahdavi (born 1310 Proj) – based in London after a trip to America and Germany and France and meet some capitalists car company “Ford” in America and “Benz” in German and “Concord” in France and satisfy some of their members for financial support to buy the monograph can be expensive to buy it from an antiques finally got to sign Jewish branded. The price for this thesis is that all your line Einstein was over three million dollars was paid to such Prorated:

1/000/000 $ BENZ honor that Einstein was German.

1/000/000 $ FORD honor and to honor the lives of those who lived in America. FBI. Kennedy. President of America (deceased 1963 CE) in his paper, Einstein repeatedly named her as America’s next president, but in 1954 AD (the year of this writing) still remained seven years since he was elected! This is one of Einstein’s predictions. Perhaps clues to the mystery of the serial assassinations of the Kennedy family, in this paper, there is marvelous that we can understand why Kennedy was killed? Where is the secret to this mystery? Because his family were victims? And why …?

500/000 $: CONCORDE Lavazyh his honor – the victim of the 1794 Revolution / or riot / France – and the law of conservation of matter in which he is mentioned several times in this paper.

500/000 $: TITANIC remember the victims of the accident tragic ship “Titanic” in English as Alexander Fleming, English (died 1955 AD) – the discoverer of penicillin and helpers Einstein in writing this book – parts of the mysteries of medical science and biology Pharmacology and gets it.

The main characters in this book: Albert Einstein (suspicious death 1955 AD) / Alexander Fleming (died 1955 CE) Grand Ayatollah Hossein Boroujerdi (died 1961 AD) / Niels Bohr (Bohr) chemist and the Danish physicist who also Einstein in writing of his collaboration (died 1962 AD) / John. FBI. Kennedy (deceased 1963 AD) / Alireza Pahlavi (Translator and the Interface) (died as a result of the crash by the elements of the “bars. G. B.” Soviet Union in 1954 AD (= 1333 SH – since writing this essay) / Hamid-Reza Pahlavi (the translator and interface died 1371 SH = 1992), who introduced Einstein and Niels Bohr, at the time he was 22 years old.

The question that arises here is why death dates (1954 – 1955 and again 1955 AD) and three dates of death (1961 – 1962 to 1963 AD), exactly Located behind? And why the author (Einstein), with her main partner in this version (Alexander Fleming) both in one year (1955 AD) dead? And because one of Translators and connectors (as … c …) in the same year John has written Raslh caused the crash? And because of a few years ago, two children and another interface interpreter (C … C …) named Behzad and thin young age suspiciously poisoned and died outside of Iran?

And finally, why should the resale of such person (Einstein) for about half a century (!) Kept secret and why “Safe British series” excuse to avoid creation of “a Rvlvshn (= the religious dangerous” to allow the proliferation of scientific work – religious We will not under any circumstances?

Beginning of the text book, the first book of the Einstein / Ayatollah Boroujerdi told the German phrase: Hrtslysh Grvshs fan Herzliche Gru “ & e von Einstein Einstein Einstein = a neighborly hello Smymanhtryn Sharif Islamic world leader Ayatollah Seyyed Hossein Boroujerdi. After 40 correspondence that you’ve taken the teachings of Islam and the Shia Imami 12 (* 1)’ve accepted / I want the world to believe that if they repent will never be able even I Pakizeh to have doubts, little! Now that old sickness has me disabled and frail Mrts month (March) (* 2) 1954 (* 3 *) that I’m living in America and around the country.

Do you remember when i met you in August (August) (* 4 *) in 1946, about 8 years ago (* 5). I remember that on 6 August 1945 when the man unclean dirty (* 6 *) my physical discovery – the discovery of the latent power of the atom – like Saqhay and destructive fire on defenseless civilians in Hiroshima collapsed from the intensity of my grief and Overlooking the sadness of death, and I intend to sign and ratify the international agreement that I checked out.

Although successful in the way that I did, the result was a great man that you are familiar with my somewhat of great sadness. And finally, relievin of me was to Islam Covert. As the last notes I have Summing up the forty letters / Dear readers (D) as well as the writing of Mr. Boroujerdi – living in the city of Qom / Iran – as I in August 1939 (7) wrote to Roosevelt – President Time America – her progress Nazi Germany – at the beginning of World War II – the splitting of the atom and release its enormous power to kill and destroy and inhibit impulsive learned some cities and built strictly for him (Roosevelt) said that prevent Nazi Germany from the map gory … Have a superpower like America – that I Aqltryn and … Khvnsrdtryn current world superpowers – immediately commissioned a scientific investigation – the splitting of atomic nuclei – and may soon have to make a nuclear bomb, because sooner or later the dog chained in the – that is, Adolf Hitler Khvankhvar racism – its (bomb ) and because it does not meet the conventional war opponents all around the world – and it’s sure to appeal to at least a dozen cities targeted for nuclear bombs has been. But when America … It is pre-made and announced to the world burn Ydgr not crazy like Hitler! His Holiness Pope Pius XII so well – the start of his Pontifical Catholic Christians for the world / of the year 1939 – a fatwa issued only strongly indicated that it would never be the weapons of war – even with Nazi Germany – Use the letter to me before that time Syed Hassan Sharif Islamic leader (Abolhassan Esfahani – who were residing in Najaf – I/he also replied that the desperation is about to be made a bomb attack Germans fear, and Atomic has done in no country., but Islamic law generally prohibits the use of a deadly weapon, and it should never be – a more Elementary – I repeat again be used even against Nazi Germany. It should not be used as nuclear and conventional weapons should be confronted with Nazi Germany. “

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